PPP over Ethernet


PPP over Ethernet or just PPPoE is a common method used by Internet Service Providers or ISPs to provide end user Internet access with authentication via PPP (Point to Point Protocol).

Before proceeding, gather the following information:
1) The interface name for the LAN port which will connect to your ISP (ex. re0)
2) The authorization name and the password provided by your ISP.
3) Login the system as root.

Next, we will create a PPP configuration file.

# cd /etc/ppp
# ls
If an existing ppp.conf file is found, then let us back it up.
# mv ppp.conf ppp.conf.org
Now, create a new ppp.conf and include the following:


set device PPPoE:re0
set authname ???????????
set authkey ********
set dial
set login
add default HISADDR

Where re0 is the name of the interface facing the ISP,
???????? is the PPP username provided by your provider and
******* is the password provided by your provider.
Save the file.
Lastly, make sure the file is only readable by root.
 # chmod 600 ppp.conf

Now add the following to your /etc/rc.conf file:


Connect your system and reboot.
For more information, see the FreeBSD Handbook.